SLT and Disney

Afternoon meeting was the SLT. No, not a BLT (as in sandwich, sorry, I am hungry), but the Senior Leadership Team. Serious business discussing the Strategy of the BCH. It was all about refreshing the strategic priorities and talking about a vision that meets the current ambitions. It wasn’t a fierce debate or heated discussion, I think they all agreed on the changes suggested. Some discussion about the use of specific words or how to make sure the ambitions are credible and honest. I noticed that everybody properly raised hands when wanting to speak, no interruptions or interferences. Quite disciplined and mannerly, I would say.

When walking to the library after this serious meeting, I noticed the music in the corridor, some kind of Disney tune. It uplifted my spirit immediately. How fabulous would that be in our hospital, maybe not a Disney tune, but what about some classical music or a nice soothing jazz melody in the corridors?


  1. So simpel… Why isn’t there any music anyway?

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