Second chance

Wikipedia about 21 December 2012: A New Age interpretation held that the date marked the start of a period during which Earth and its inhabitants would undergo a positive physical or spiritual transformation, and that 21 December 2012 would mark the beginning of a new era. Others suggested that the date marked the end of the world or a similar catastrophe. Scenarios suggested for the end of the world included the arrival of the next solar maximum, an interaction between Earth and the black hole at the center of the galaxy, or Earth’s collision with a planet called Nibiru.

Last night I thought about second chances and remembered my cancellation of the HOPE Exchange Programme two years ago. Due to severe illness I had to cancel, I was devastated. December 21, year 2012, I was diagnosed with breastcancer, a couple of months before my Hope Exchange to the UK. And now, two years later, I got a second chance …

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